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Tag: KM

MOOC’s – What Are They?

MOOC’s – What Are They?

MOOCs and online programs primarily help those who are self motivated to learn, and the vast majority of these people would have figured out how to educate themselves, whether in college or on their own, regardless of whether or not online courses are available.

Top Influencers In Knowledge Management 2013

Top Influencers In Knowledge Management 2013

Putting aside my previous skepticism on the value of influence and reputation scores , whether it’s Kred, Klout, Peerindex or whatever, I was taken by surprise to see that I featured in the top 100 Knowledge Management Influencers list compiled by Mindtouch. As it is, I’m halfway through a Social Network Analysis (SNA) course being run by Prof Lada Adamic at the University of Michigan, which I signed-up for to satisfy my thirst for knowledge on this topic, and I’m getting…

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Personal Knowledge Management

Personal Knowledge Management

If organisations stopped spending so much time on processes and technology solutions and uncovered the latent potential in employees then real value could be harnessed through Personal Knowledge Management. The goal is to make knowledge workers better at capturing, using and sharing knowledge, and maximising their personal effectiveness in the social and relationship-building part of their jobs.

Social Ecology: Evolution or Revolution? Part 2.

Social Ecology: Evolution or Revolution? Part 2.

In this Part 2 piece I wanted to look at some of the social ecology trends, and specifically:

– collaborative platforms (or the technology that underpins social networks),
– email (because it is still the biggest consumer of time)
– personal knowledge management (the human algorithm)
– the growing importance of the community manager and the digital curator

Social Ecology: Evolution or Revolution? Part1

Social Ecology: Evolution or Revolution? Part1

The social ecology influences just about everything we do. From the way we communicate, get information, buy and sell, travel, live and learn, to our very health and wellbeing. For those who thrive on change this is might be perceived as just part of human evolution. For those less comfortable with the rapid and disruptive effects it is having on their lives, it might feel more like a revolution, i.e. something they can’t control or influence – and hence the title for this series of posts.

The Evolution Of Social Media

The Evolution Of Social Media

There has been a lot of hype around social media, social networks and social business, much of it unhelpful in getting real understanding what this is all about. For some people, “social” will always mean frivolity and time wasting. For others, social media just means marketing and communications.  Predating all of this hype, social learning networks and communities of practice have long existed as ecologies that would encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing. Off-line knowledge sharing communities have been around since…

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What we can learn from children

What we can learn from children

Children are unencumbered from business protocols, corporate hierarchies and other conformist behaviours, they say what they think, and act instinctively. But how much of this child-like behaviour is hard-wired into our personas? Do we all behave a bit like children in the way that we share and collaborate?

The ART of Collaboration (2)

The ART of Collaboration (2)

Collaboration is at the heart of social networking and the bedrock for effective knowledge sharing. More and more organisations have recognised that encouraging collaboration between staff, stakeholders and customers will enable co-design, co-production and opportunities for innovation to emerge.

The ART Of Collaboration (Collaborative Behaviours)

The ART Of Collaboration (Collaborative Behaviours)

If people are given the right tools and the right environment, will they spontaneously collaborate and share knowledge? Why do some people find it difficult to share and collaborate? Would incentives and rewards make a difference? This post explores answers to these and other questions about Collaborative Behaviours.