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Category: Learning

Personal Knowledge Management Maturity Model

Personal Knowledge Management Maturity Model

Knowledge management is often based on the notion that knowledge is socially constructed. Consequently, organisational knowledge management (OKM) programmes tend to focus on techniques and approaches such as peer assists, after-action reviews, project retrospectives, knowledge retention, communities of practice, storytelling, and innovation jams – all of which involve multiple people…But there’s a snag… Since these KM techniques first came into being, something happened: Employees got busier than ever. Organisations now do a lot more with much less – and modern…

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Learning Before, During and After

Learning Before, During and After

I’ve made it a personal choice to avoid the perennial discussions and debates about defining “knowledge management”, which more often than not seem to focus on the typology and semantics rather than getting to grips with the actual practice. I like simplicity, and whatever your preference for intellectually precise definitions, it inevitably boils down to the actions that encourage and support learning, and specifically, learning before, during and after.  In his book “Knowledge Management for Teams and Projects”, Nick Milton…

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New Paradigms For Collaboration & Knowledge Sharing

New Paradigms For Collaboration & Knowledge Sharing

The world of social interaction, fuelled by the plethora of social media tools, has opened up new opportunities to learn and share. Classroom training is no longer an essential part of learning and development. We can now tap into the collective wisdom of peers and experts as and when we need. Skilling ourselves for a challenging and volatile environment is a personal responsibility – we can’t rely on others, including the people and organisations we work for.

Pitfalls and Advantages of Accredited Online LPN Programs

Pitfalls and Advantages of Accredited Online LPN Programs

Guest Blog from Jennifer Smith Licensed practical nurses (LPNs) play some of the most vital roles in our healthcare system today.  They are responsible for a wide range of patient care, including dressing wounds, giving injections, monitoring temperature and heart rate, and gathering patient information. Some LPNs are even responsible for performing laboratory test and assisting in an infant’s delivery. While most LPNs work in hospitals and other major healthcare centers, many are also employed in nursing homes, doctor’s offices, and…

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Is social networking learning?

Is social networking learning?

Great post by Shannon Turlington on the question of whether social networking is learning.  A point often missed in this debate is the serendipity inherent in social networking that enables you to discover new knowledge – i.e. we don’t know what you don’t know until we uncover it. Shannon writes: What I like most about using social networking tools this way is how serendipitous it can be. Sure, I can ask questions or search for knowledge on a subject I…

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The story of Common Craft – in Plain English

The story of Common Craft – in Plain English

ReadWriteWeb have re-posted a very interesting account of the Common Craft story. The following is an abstract: Five years ago Lee LeFever was an online community manager for a B2B healthcare company called Solucient. Today, his voice has been heard by millions of people around the world, making strange new applications feel easy to use and offering some of the clearest explanations of how the Internet is changing. LeFever is the founder of Common Craft and his story is an…

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